Widget Text Display

  • Hi,

    I’m wondering if there is any CSS you could provide to change the following display issues:

    a. the display for “Select Category” and also “Select Month” (in the Categories & Archives widgets in the footer) appear to have white text on a white background; hence, not visible until clicked.

    b. the slide-out panel button & search button (in the header) are not visible (hidden, white on white) until mouse rollover.

    c. once the slide-out panel is opened, the “X” to close it is barely visible (white on beige).

    Any help is appreciated, thank you.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • If I set the Slider Style to Full Screen (with darker than white slider images), both the slide-out panel button & search button become visible. This only works for the front page, though.

    Another issue is apparent when doing so, however. The slide-out panel icon becomes superimposed with the “X” to close the panel, and negates its closure.

    Also, the Site Title and main menu are visible through the beige color panel, resultant of which creates an inability to select either of the first 2 menu options (in the slide-out panel).

    Please advise, thanks.

  • Hi there,

    thanks so much for pointing me to these issues. I will prepare a theme update to fix them.

    As a first workaround you could add the following custom CSS to fix a), b) and c):

    #colophon .widget_categories a,
    #colophon .widget_archive a,
    #overlay-close {
        color: #000 !important;
  • I will let you know once the changes are live.

    Thanks so much for your patience on this.

    Best Regards,

  • Thanks for the reply, Ellen.

    I added the CSS that you provided, and it fixed both b) and c) re: the slide-out panel.

    Appreciate your time.

  • No worries at all, I’m happy that the workaround was successful. The theme will have an update shortly.

    Best Regards,

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