test appearing squashed

  • Hi there,
    Some of the text on my page appears squashed e.g. my about page – it happens to random passages of text here and there.
    Is there anything I can do about this?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @korynmlloyd:

    I just checked your site and it seems that the HTML tags added to the font paragraphs are not 100% correct, but that is not a big problem.

    Could you go to the text editor of e.g. the about page and switch to the HTML editor (see tab at the top right of the editor). Here you should see a div tag around text paragraphs. Please delete these tags or change them to p instead of div and the text should appear fine again.

    In general I think you can avoid text errors like this, if you always set a blank line between paragraphs in the editor.

    Please let me know, if you have still issues with the text formatting.
    Best, Ellen

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