Posts filtered by category/tag don't display well

  • The post display on the front page and blog page looks great, but when a specific category or tag is selected, the relevant posts display just as a dull list without featured images or text. I’ve seen that this is also the case on snap demo page. According to WP support, it’s a limitation in the theme that can’t be fixed. Is there a solution?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • incidentallypinabaft · Member ·

    Hey there 👋

    The WordPress guys are right — there’s no way to change the layout of those archives.

    Sorry about that! I know that’s not the answer you’re looking for.

  • Well, that is not good news! I love this theme, but because of that one thing, I will be looking for another theme.

  • incidentallypinabaft · Member ·

    Bummer! So sorry we could help you out this time, Pamela.

    I wish we had even a half-way good answer for you, but what you’re after would requiring custom coding an entire theme template.

    I hope you find another theme that fits your site well. Again, sorry!

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