Move featured post before main page text

  • Is it possible to move the sticky post with the featured blog post before my text on the main page? In other words, I’d like to feature my static page text but still keep the slider with featured blog posts on my home page. Does this require CSS or is it possible through the settings?

    Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    To clarify, are you saying you want use a static Front Page, but still have the featured slider at the top? This should be possible if you navigate to Appearance → Theme Options, click on the Featured Slider section, and then choose an option for Show Featured Slider that includes “front page”.

    Does this answer your question?

  • Thank you for your response! However, I’m actually trying to move the featured slider section below whatever text I have on a static page. So when someone gets to my page, they see a static block of text and then can scroll down to see my featured slider.

    Any ideas?

  • Hi there!

    Unfortunately, this is not possible :(

    That said, you can always use a regular WordPress gallery on a page. This would allow you to more specifically position the text and gallery however you would like. Galleries can be displayed in a number of ways, including using a slideshow.

  • Hi, thanks for the tip. I’ll have to make use of the gallery function sometime; it’s sweet! Unfortunately, I’m trying to do content and images. Thanks for your help anyway!

  • incidentallypinabaft · Member ·

    You’re welcome! Let us know if you have any more questions.

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