Link color and Home Page featured Page font color

  • I’m hoping you can help me with these font color issues. My site is

    1) On my homepage I am looking to change the font color of my second featured Page to all white (including the Title) as it overlays the featured image and is hard to read.

    2) I would like to change the font color of all links from green to something else, however it didn’t work when I inputed this CSS :

    a, a:link {
    color: #29b8ba;
    color: #000;

    3) Being that the font is green by default, I’m hoping to change the font color in the slider on the homepage to other colors as well (including the learn more button)

    4) I would also like to change the color of the navigation menu from green to #29b8b

    Thank you for your help!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello,

    No problem. We’ll be happy to help:

    1. Try adding the following style in the “Additional CSS” section of the Customizer:

    .featured-pages #page-3124 p,
    .featured-pages #page-3124 .headline {
      color: #ffffff;

    2. Try the following CSS:

    .content a, .content a:link, .footer .widget ul li a, footer .widget ul li a:link {
        color: #29b8ba;

    3. Try the following CSS:

    .slideshow .headline a, .slideshow .excerpt p {
      color: #ffffff;

    4. Try the following CSS:

    #wrap #header .menu a {
      color: #29b8ba !important;

    Please keep in mind, you may need to remove previously added styles to avoid conflicting styles.

    Additionally, you may want to look into the Custom Colors options with,

    I hope this helps.


  • Thank you so much!! That worked!

  • Would you happen to have a solution for being able to make the menu topic in the header change color (brighten) when hovering over them? Right now nothing happens when I hover the mouse over the menu.

    I’ve also been trying to change the headings and well as buttons in the slider to a different color (other than green) when I hover over it. The font color itself was changed to white thanks to you, but it is green when I hover over it. In your demo, the headings and “learn more” buttons are more of a light grey, but go white when clicked on or hovered over. I would like that as well if possible.

    Thanks again!

  • Hello, you can try adding the following CSS (and adjust the color value if needed):

    #wrap #header .menu a, #wrap #header .menu a:visited, #wrap #header .menu a:link:hover {
        color: #777;

    Will look into a solution for the headline hover color, and get back to you on that one.



  • Thanks for posting that. I am trying to do what the original poster asked in their Number 3, but it only changed the text color of the Title not the “Learn More” button. Could you advise how to change that also please?

  • Hello, try using the following to change just the text color of the Learn More button:

    .home-slider .text-white a.more-link {
        color: #fff;
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