Hover colours

  • I just purchased the Atlas theme, and I’m in love.

    I’ve managed to customize the colours to my liking, except the a:hover color. It now appears in some brownish beige colour, when you hover over the social links, and also … when viewed on a mobile device, the hamburger menu has the same colour.

    I can for the life of me not figure out how to change it. I want to change that colour, wherever it appears, not only the social menu.

    My site is Tassitus.

    Thank you in advance …

  • Update: So … I figured out the social links colours 🙂, but I still have the mobile hamburger menu …

  • Hi tassitus,

    Thanks for pointing this out! I’ll let you know once it’s been fixed.

    Stay tuned!

  • We’ll get the mobile menu icon and social menu colour fixed up and let you know when it’s done, as you shouldn’t need custom CSS for this.

  • Terrific! Thanks, guys!

    This is a wonderful theme.


  • The colour issue has now been fixed!

    I also wanted to give you a little CSS tip: CSS declarations can be chained with a comma. So instead of this:

    .wf-active h1 {
         font-style: normal;
         font-weight: 200;
    .wf-active h2 {
         font-style: normal;
         font-weight: 200;
    .wf-active h3 {
         font-style: normal;
         font-weight: 200;
    .wf-active h4 {
         font-style: normal;
         font-weight: 200;
    .wf-active h5 {
         font-style: normal;
         font-weight: 200;
    .wf-active h6 {
         font-style: normal;
         font-weight: 200;

    You can just do this:

    .wf-active h1, .wf-active h2, .wf-active h3, .wf-active h4, .wf-active h5, .wf-active h6 {
         font-style: normal;
         font-weight: 200;

    A little more concise. :)

  • I noticed now it had been fixed, and then I saw this post.

    Thanks a lot for that handy little piece of advice … and for great support!

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