Gallery Behavior

  • So, I set up a few gallery posts on my blog (ex being:

    I can click the forward & backward arrows to move the gallery along, which is great. But, I’m wondering about one thing.

    When I have the post in “Standard” format, and make a gallery that way – if I click on an image, it takes me to the attachment page to view the large image with title, caption, etc. But with the “Gallery” format – if I click on the specific image, it does nothing.

    I like the Gallery format & want to use it, but I’m wondering if I’m doing something wrong – since I still want the option for people to click on an image to see more information. Am I doing something wrong? Or is the Gallery format not supposed to allow click through to the attachment page?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • incidentallypinabaft · Member ·

    Hey there, Emily 👋

    You’re not doing anything wrong, that’s just how the Gallery post format is setup to work. If you’re hoping to link to other pages when your readers click on the different images, you’ll want to continue using the standard gallery.

    Sorry that’s not the answer you’re after! Let us know if there’s anything else we can help with.

  • No, thank you for answering me!

    I like the Gallery format the way it is–it’s sleek and looks great. I just wasn’t sure if I had done something wrong.

    Thank you!

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