Font color

  • I would like to change the text color to dark blue or something easier to read on linked text. I have tried going through the options, but can only seem to change the color of the text after it is hovered over. The links are very hard to see and I have a lot of them.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, there are multiple different types of text links within your site. Please specify which links you’re trying to customize – thanks.

  • Thank you. It’s the text links on the pages of the site that I created and the buttons I added on the pages. They are currently a light lime color that is very hard to read.

    I’d also like to change the text color of regular text on those pages.

    I just want darker, higher contrast text for easier reading.

  • When I clicked on a couple random pages to inspect the link code, I see blue text (not lime green). I’m still unclear whether you’ve already resolved this by changing the text to blue, or if there are still pages with green text (for which pages I will need specific links to in order to find them on your site). I see the following CSS has already been added to your site to change some of the link color to blue:

    body:not(.home) .page a {
        color: blue !important;

    I do see lime green meta links on the homepage, for which you can use the following CSS (you can substitute for your color of choice):

    a, a:link {
      color: blue;

    You can change the text color of the body within the pages by adding the following (substituting your color of choice):

    body {
      color: #ffffff;
  • Support went in for me last night and fixed the colors using css codes. So now it looks great!

  • Oh okay great!

  • Thank you for your help!

  • You’re very welcome :)

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