featured images show up at top of posts ???

  • Is there way to keep the “featured” imagine from showing up at the top of all of my posts…. ??? Looks so tacky. I have them in the slider and on featured posts — but when you click on the link the giant photo is at the top – there’s no way to edit it, or wrap text around it to make it look less out of place. It doesn’t even show up when you edit the post….. any ideas? I hate to return this because I like it… but, it’s a deal breaker if this is the only way it displays. :(

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Sorry, but there’s no option to remove featured images from the top of posts at this time.

  • It’s fine – once I added some widgets – it doesn’t look as bad.

    Another question now – how do I turn the mobile view off? I see the site on my phone and I would much rather have viewers see the same home page that people see when they view on a pc. I turned “off” the mobile version and it still shows up on my phone……….. ?

  • Turning off the mobile optimizations is not an option at this time.

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